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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

SQL ordered by Version Count

This time i want to discuss about the SQL ordered by Version Count under Sql Statistics of AWR as it is hard finding the different TOP Wait Events in AWRs. This needs a little explanation as most of us worry what the queries under this section fall into.

In the above we see query has 204 version count and has more than 165 executions. First thing to start with looking at the sql text and see if the bind variables are being used or not. If they are being used then we need to look for the cuase of having many child cursors for that query.

As the definition SQL Ordered by Version Count - AWR reports statements with more than child cursors than the threshold value which defaults to 20.

There are so many reasons why Oracle does not share the same statement. Oracle records the reason in v$sql_shared_cursor view. In database, v$sql_shared_cursor has 53 reasons of unshareability.
V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR explains why a particular child cursor is not shared with existing child cursors. Each column identifies a specific reason why the cursor cannot be shared.

I have done the same found that the reason for above sql in the image is due to Bind Mismatch. I  have gone through many blogs including the blog below of Jonathan which beautifully explains the reasons behind the bind mismatch for columns with varchar.

Unfortunately my column in the query ( Above Image ) is a number field and explanation of the above link does not suite my situation. But i found that this is one of the busy queries hit by my application and the reason for Bind Mismatch in this situation is due to the heavy activity in shared pool. This is becuase when a session attempts to validate a cursor and finds it has to wait for a pin then it may simply generate a new child rather than waiting which is causing for creation of new child cursor.

Other reasons might be -  if the optimizer environments are different you get different child cursors - even if the final plan is the same - check the column on v$sql, and the content of  $sql_optimizer_env or
 there are various bugs that cause child cursors to be created unnecessarily in various versions from

Find below the little explanation on Parent and Child Cursors which is very interesting in this context from Steve Adams.

"For each SQL statement the library cache contains a "parent" cursor for the text of the SQL statement.

The parent cursor is comprised of a "handle" that can be looked up by hash value via the library cache hash table, and an "object" that contains pointers to each of its "child" cursors. Each child cursor is also comprised of a handle and an object. The child object is comprised of two heaps numbered 0 and 6. Heap 0 contains all the identifying information for a particular version of the SQL statement and heap 6 contains the execution plan. This distinction between parent and child cursors is maintained even when there is only one version of each SQL statement.

For parent cursors the convention used in the X$ tables is that the parent address is the same as the handle address. V$OPEN_CURSORS, V$SQL and so on are only interested in child cursors and so they exclude parent cursors by requiring that the two addresses are different. The columns that you mentioned are of course the two addresses."

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