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Sunday, January 29, 2012

gc current block busy & gc cr block busy

Top 5 Wait Events (RAC) - gc current block busy & gc cr block busy

gc current block busy  - When a request needs a block in current mode, it sends a request to the master instance. The requestor evenutally gets the block via cache fusion transfer. However sometimes the block transfer  is delayed due to either the block was being used by a session on another instance or the block transfer was delayed because the holding instance could not write the corresponding redo records to the online logfile immediately.

One can use the session level dynamic performance views v$session and v$session_event to find the programs or sesions causing the most waits on this events

select a.sid , a.time_waited , b.program , b.module from v$session_event a , v$session b where a.sid=b.sid and a.event='gc current block busy' order by a.time_waited;

gc cr block busy - When a request needs a block in CR mode , it sends a request to the master instance. The requestor evenutally gets the block via cache fusion transfer. However sometimes the block transfer is delayed due to either the block was being used by a session on another instance or the block transfer was delayed because the holding instance could not write the corresponding redo records to the online logfile immediately.

One can use the session level dynamic performance views v$session and v$session_event to find the programs or sesions causing the most waits on this events

select a.sid , a.time_waited , b.program , b.module from v$session_event  a , v$session b where a.sid=b.sid and a.event='gc cr block busy' order by a.time_waited;

This event indicates significant write/write contention. If it appears like the below in TOP 5 list of AWR

Ensure that the log writer (lgwr) is tuned. In our situation planning for appropriate application partitioning to multiple instances avoided the contention. We will see more of the RAC realted wait events in the other posts.

1 comment:

Brandon Harris said...

Could you be so kind and share some links to other resources dedicated to this topic if you are aware of some.